This collection of files in SFWARM13.ZIP is 6 playing configurations for version 1.96 of Street Fighter 2. Because Derek Liu and Brian Chan have cleverly managed to create all the files needed to add Balrog to SF2IBM, there are now 13 possible World Warriors (Ryu, Ken, Guile, Blanka, Chun Li, E. Honda, Dhalsim, Zangief, M. Bison, Sagat, Balrog, Andy Bogard, and Terry Bogard). However, the .exe file will only allow 12 to be in any one playing configuration. Therefore, I have put together three sets of playing configs; two each for Balrog and Andy (SFWARM1.BAT and SFWARMA1.BAT), Balrog and Terry (SFWARM2.BAT and SFWARMA2.BAT), and Andy and Terry (SFWARM3.BAT and SFWARMA3.BAT). Also, I include SFWARM.BAT, which displays the features of all 6 of the playing configs of SFWARM13 and allows the choice of any one of them. Three of these configurations (SFWARM1.BAT, SFWARM2.BAT, and SFWARM3.BAT) make it easier to control your fighter by reducing the number of keys required to execute a special move (Dragon Punch, Fireball, etc.). The other three configurations (SFWARMA1.BAT, SFWARMA2.BAT, and SFWARMA3.BAT) try to remain consistent with the arcade versions of the keys to control the fighters. All of the configurations are an attempt to enable as many of the special fighter moves of the "super" version of the original uploaded SF2 V1.90, add some brand new moves, and fix some bugs. However, none of these configurations are intended to play like any other arcade or home version of Street Fighter 2. In addition to what the first 12 versions of SFWARM did, this 13th version does the following: 1) Includes all needed files from the SFLIU20 patch by Derek Liu and Brian Chan to add the World Warrior Balrog. Most of the files have been renamed so as to remain consistent with all other SFWARM files and to avoid any confusion whenever another SFLIU patch may be released. These files have been modified to match the throw animations I have carried over from my patches to version 1.90, to change the "trigger" keys on some of the special moves for the "easy" configs, and to change some animations. 2) Makes some revisions to the throw sections on all fighters to reduce the frequency of throwing by the computer-controlled fighters. Again, credit for this idea goes to Derek Liu and Brian Chan. 3) Renames the Chun Li resource file from SFLIU20 (HYPCHUN.RE) to WCHUNLI.RE to include her actual Fireball images in SFWARM13. 4) Transfers SFWARM12's Triple Rotating Fireball from Chun Li to Blanka. 5) Modifies all SFWARMxx.BAT files and adds all required WARMANxx.CFG and .IDE files so that SFWARM13 will work properly if installed into the directory containing only the SFLIU20 version of SF2IBM 1.96. 6) Adds a throw to Balrog. "Trigger" keys are back or forward, then punch 3 (However, the "easy" configs will override forward, then punch 3 with the Fierce Charging Straight Punch). Bugs! ----- 1) Occasionally, if the 2 fighters jump toward each other at the same time, a ground throw can be done in the air. Then, at the normal end of the throw, both fighters are still up in the air and can then begin another move or series of moves there. 2) Occasionally, a computer fighter may start another move while still in the air or a move may suddenly not work properly. This is possibly due to the "interruptability" of moves/attacks. 3) After a number of matches have been played without exiting, the game may suddenly exit out to DOS with an "insufficient memory" error. This is probably a bug in the xsf196.exe file. Note: This collection of files SFWARM13 is a PATCH to version 1.96 of SF2IBM and is NOT playable by itself nor will it work properly with any previous version. XSF196.EXE, SF2_CHAR.SF2, SF2CFG.EXE, TITLE.229, and TLOGO.SF2 replace files from version 1.96 of the game. ********************************************************************** * Note: This version of SFWARM does NOT need any other collection of * * "add-on" files to work. However, if you have only the SFLIU20 * * version of SF2IBM, SFWARM13 will use those files renamed by * * SFLIU20. Many thanks to Rucky, Hacker of Dhalsim, Derek Liu, * * Cliff Chen, Ben Cantrick, Greg Grimsby and all other patch authors * * for their fine work improving this great game! And a special thanks* * to Brian Chan for the SF2IBM FAQ. To avoid confusion, all needed * * configuration files (.bat, .cfg, .ide, .key, .seq, .re, .voc, etc.)* * have been included in this package. * ********************************************************************** Instructions: Unzip and copy the files from SFWARM13.ZIP into your SF2 directory. SFWARM.BAT will run any of the 6 playing configs of SFWARM13 or SF2CFG.EXE. SFWARM1.BAT runs the "easy" version with Balrog and Andy. SFWARMA1.BAT runs the "arcade" version with Balrog and Andy. SFWARM2.BAT runs the "easy" version with Balrog and Terry. SFWARMA2.BAT runs the "arcade" version with Balrog and Terry. SFWARM3.BAT runs the "easy" version with Andy and Terry. SFWARMA3.BAT runs the "arcade" version with Andy and Terry. Note: All of the SFWARM configs will also run properly if installed into a directory containing only the SFLIU20 collection of 1.96 files. Be sure to read SFWARM.DOC for more info! Feel free to send me your comments. Hope you have fun with it! Stan Warman, Microcomputer Specialist Sangamon State University Internet: